Monday, April 6, 2009

Ugur Sahin Partners With Mallett For 999 Horse Power Twin-Turbo Corvette Z03

Just to convert your Corvette into the Ugur Sahin design with carbon fiber bodywork will set you back $69,000, not including the price of the donor car. The engine upgrades will run $32,700 for the 700-hp, supercharged version and $35,795 for the 999-hp, twin-turbo version. At only a couple thousand more than the supercharged engine, the 999-hp option seems like a steal. That is, until you tally the total cost and realize you've just spent six figures creating a super Corvette that still has the same interior. LOL! But you still will have yourself a super car! ;-)

For more info, visit:


  1. I can see myself in that...all black! you got me dr. chuck?

  2. I was about to ask you the same thing Whit Henry JD... LOL!
